wild child./ (more...)


Hi, Im Shairah.
13yrs old, A Punggolite.
I go through life, just as it is; friendship, drama,
and the familiar backstabbing nemesis that occurs daily.
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Friday, January 21, 2011, 1:10 AM


long time I didnt update my blog, didnt I?
Alright, shall just talk bout today.

Schl was released on 11.30am, but there was this Math Test thingy, plus teacher wanna talk to me, so, in th end, came to dance practice late.
After dance, headed home.
walao, boring sey ):
lucky can msg baby (:
oh, yes, baby.
20.1.2011 is that date when my dreams came true :)
and trust me i love him more than anything else !
i love him more than he do.
cos yknw what? he's th best i ever had.

aite, goodbye !

school shucks.
Saturday, January 8, 2011, 11:32 PM

Hello :)
As you know, its school this week. heh, yes, school....
hahahah, okay whatever. start from 4th Jan aye?

Um, fourth Jan;
Head to schl on th first day.
Supposedly to meet Dayah, Musfirah, Qistina, and Myra at bus-stop, but I missed th stop.
Mind you, bus 136, alot of people okay. Need to seriously squeeze my way out.
And that stupid idiot Zaini was behind me.
Chey jk la.
Okay then, went to schl, blabla, my class was at um, 3B 2010's class.
I dont like :(
I prefer last year's.
More nicer.......
Okay, then, first day of schl, I broke my specs, nb cb.
Rabaaaaaaak, for this whole week cant see.
Luckily now its okay alrd.
Then, second day of schl, as per normal.
Idk which day, I was walking arnd th canteen, then someone tegor me.
Hah, it was Zieerah& Hidayah.
Sumpah I cant see.
Shairah, shairah...... *shake head*
Hidayah looks so gorgeous,lol.
haha :)
Skip to Friday eh.
As per usual, lesson starts.
I was so fucking sleepy that I slept for 3 periods.
hahhaaha, half awake, half sleeping.
Lucky my seating place aint obvious.
Then, after one of these periods, washed my face at water cooler, fucking hell, bloody refrreshing sia. teros terbangon!!!!! kay haha.
Then, back to th lively Shairah.
I shouted, and scream in class.
As per usual ah :)
After schl, go bus-stop first.
Dayah told me that the "MB" was there, and was staring at me, or her, I think.
Fuck I couldnt see, hehe.
And she wispered to "F", then "F" said smthg.
Walao -'-
If I knew this, lama aku dah tegor ~
And, then, i saw, "SWEETSWEET CANDY".
Bloody hell, stare ah sial, pikir aku takot pe.
Muke klau jambu tkpe jgk....
chey jk la.
okay, today, nthg much. currently chatting with that stupid idiot and gievin.
aite, gtg, then, bye!
homeworks to be done :(
tkecre readers :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011, 11:52 PM

hello, school's tomorrow.
im nervous, sad, happy, but most of all, im really looking forward to schl, trust me.
This shall just be a short and simple post.
Bye, I wanna wear my schl uni. and all, go to th shop, and get back up to my house :P
ahahahhaahah, k joking.

Goodbye, see you Punggolites tmrw ! :)

i wannnnnnnnn thizzzzzzz
Wednesday, December 29, 2010, 7:11 AM

wait, no, its not even 70% white.....
F. U. C. K.

Monday, December 27, 2010, 4:25 AM

I've had nthg much to say, just that, I've lost my first kiss.
Heh, yeap, believe it or not.
kay, goodbye!

all th guys, they like my swagga', they callin me big jagga'.
Friday, December 24, 2010, 12:23 AM


kay, hello.
had really suckish& veryvery um, sad days? since H did this to me.
But, thing was, he accepted my friend req.
that made my heart lifted a little.
But, its likeeeee... all of a sudden siaaaaaaaaaaa, gyni macam.
i guess its karma, maybe.
I still do love heart S.
Its like, we're having a silent brk right now.
And, its all becoz' of me.
I should've known earlier to know my position of being an att. girl.
Fuck me.
Kay, whats' next?
School's reopening in 2 weeks' time.
Its my streaming year, no more slacking. hah! you think i give a damn?
I was gonna appeal for NA, but it was too late.
Nah, nvm, I'll try my best in next yr, when i know clearly, I dont care. haha.
These days, been rotting at home.
computer all day long, father's nagging like a stupid bitch.
only my mum understands me best lah.
Anyway, at th same time, I cant wait fr schl, coz' I miss my classmates, friends, my schoolmates, and my dear sec. 4-to-be seniors!
well, not all lah.
I cant wait to see my enemy :P
Only one, though (:
Anyw, i know this's random, but fuck formspring!
People have been asking me questions, that are fucking.. um, insulting?
And, they want farhan, my brother, to beware? Beware of what siah? o.O
Fuck yourself first lah, humji.
Stupid faggot, only dare to show up yrself as a stranger!
Go and suck your dick till its blue like, please.
aahhhhh -.-
Kay, guess Im off.
Tired ah, and have to fucking pack my cupboard! ish.
I dont even think I'll be bringing anything on th first day of schl.
Because, th subjects aint confirmed :P
So, yay! At least one day, Im gonna go empty-handed (:
Kay, bye.

Miss you.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010, 10:58 PM

Hello ~

Im so boreeeeeeeed !
Haikal always online lambat.. so saddddddddd.
Since he mention about this, I kept thinking plus looking forward to 31 dec. !
Gonna watch fireworks ! I never watch fireworks in real life with my closest ones before -.-
Stakat TV.. hahahahhahahahaa.
Kay dah diam, Shairah.
I've seriously nothing to talk about!
Maybe some other day, I will post.. More about fun things, I swear, kay? kay bye ;)
To Dayah, goodluck to you and F, you've my support babe! Sayang kamuuuu :*

EMINEM <3<3<3<3<3

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